📜 Course Description

The units for this module are based on general goals that revolve around five basic themes in the history of Christianity: Scripture and tradition; church structures; church and society; the spread of Christianity; and Christian spirituality, including Christian life, worship, and ministry. Understanding these aspects of the history of Christianity provides perspectives essential for Christian ministry in the world today.

This module serves as a foundational module for the history of Christianity. It aims at developing a historical understanding of the Christian faith and tells the story of how people responded to the call of the gospel. It is suggested that the prerequisite module for this course be Examining Our Christian Heritage 1.

This module will concentrate on the history of Christianity from the Reformation era through the 20th century. Students will discover and gain a deeper appreciation for God’s redemptive purposes in people, events, movements, and cultures. Students will also be enabled to build bridges from historical understanding to personal spiritual formation, the role of the church in society, and contemporary ministry.

📜 Course Outcomes

This module contributes to the development of the following abilities as defined in the U.S. Sourcebook for Ministerial Development.

Program Outcomes

CN—24 Ability to describe the general story line of church history and the development of the major doctrines and creeds

CN—25 Ability to identify and describe the significance of the major figures, themes, and events of the patristic, medieval, Reformation, Puritan, Pietist, Wesleyan, and modern periods of church history

CN—26 Ability to describe how the church implemented its mission in the various periods of church history

CX—8 Ability to place the ministry context in light of the large schemes of world and national history

CX—10 Ability to understand and articulate the biblical, historical, and theological bases for Christian mission


In describing the CONTENT of the Reformation and modern history of Christianity this module enables students to: