đź“ś Course Description

This module is an introduction, a survey of the Christian ministry. As such, the module presents a variety of subjects but none comprehensively. Many topics that are introduced have been expanded into full modules and will be experienced by the learner at a later time. The learner should not expect complete answers to all questions during this module but should become aware of the range of issues and topics that encompass the Christian Ministry.

đź“ś Course Outcomes

This module contributes to the development of the following abilities as defined in the U.S. Sourcebook for Ministerial Development.

Program Outcomes

CN19—Ability to identify and explain the main characteristics of the nature of God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, the Human Person, Sin, Salvation, The Christian Life, the Church and Sacraments, and Eschatology.

CN20—Ability to reflect theologically on life and ministry

CP1—Ability to communicate publicly through oral and written mediums with clarity and creativity for the sake of fostering meaning

CP4—Ability to write an integrative philosophy of ministry that will answer “why I do what I do when I do it?

CP12—Ability to appropriately express pastoral care and concern for individuals and families in crises, passages, and the normal routines of life

CP13—Ability to offer spiritual counsel and to discern for referral counseling needs beyond the minister’s ability

CP14—Ability to apply the knowledge of basic helping skills gained from historic Christian and appropriate contemporary models

CP21—Ability to envision, order and participate in contexualized theologically grounded worship and to develop and lead appropriate services for special occasions (i.e. wedding, funeral, baptism, and Lord’s Supper)

Personal Growth The development of a portfolio for assessing personal growth in character. This portfolio would include periodic self-assessment and assessment by significant others. These assessments would evaluate the minister with the “BE” categories.

CH5—Ability to apply Christian ethics to the issues of integrity, specifically as they relate to ministers and laity for authentic Christian faithfulness and public witness

CH9—Ability to apply understanding of his or her ongoing developmental needs across the life course of the minister to the pursuit of holy character

CH10—Ability to demonstrate a realistic self-understanding including personal strengths, gifts, weaknesses, and areas of needed growth

CH11—Ability to maintain the practice of Sabbath and healthy self-care

CH12—Ability to practice faithful stewardship of personal relations including gender relationships, marriage and family, personal finance, and professional conduct

CH14—Ability to maintain a healthy balance between family, church, and community commitments