📜 Course Description

From its very beginning the Wesleyan-Holiness tradition has emphasized the moral implications of the gospel. This theme is not unique to the Holiness tradition since all Christians understand that healthy Christianity bears fruit. The purpose of this module is to call attention to this reality by pointing toward the multiple sources and resources for Christian character found in the Scripture as it has been handed on to each new generation. Special attention will be given to the unique way in which moral reflection has characterized the Wesleyan-Holiness tradition.

Another trajectory for this module is Christian character. Such things as integrity, fidelity, consistence, and generosity speak to the work of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer. Part of the importance of this module is to be found in calling attention to the crucial sense in which embodying the faith should be understood as a material outgrowth of the preaching of the gospel. In other words, to preach the gospel without the intention to live it out is unthinkable in the Wesleyan-Holiness tradition.

This module will be organized into six units. Unit 1 will attempt to define ethics and suggest some of the challenges presented to moral reflection. This section will also set out some of the Old Testament and New Testament for moral reflection. Unit 2 will set out in basic terms some of the major schools of philosophical ethics. Unit 3 will do the same with theological ethics. Unit 4 will treat Wesleyan-Holiness ethics. Unit 5 will deal with several moral questions currently confronting the Church and the Christian. Here the attempt will be to define the issues and the resources evident in the Holiness tradition for confronting the issues. Unit 6 will conclude the module by addressing the relationship between character development and spiritual formation. The organization of this module is a deliberate attempt to avoid making ethics a purely theoretical exercise. Rather at every turn the very practical issues of moral decision-making will form the basic argument.

📜 Course Outcomes

This module contributes to the development of the following abilities as defined in the U.S. Sourcebook for Ministerial Development.

Program Outcomes

CH1—Ability to apply a basic understanding of ethical theories to teach and nurture ethical behavior in the Christian community

CH2—Ability to discern and make theologically based ethical decisions in the midst of a complex and/or paradoxical context

CH3—Ability to teach and model sexual purity

CH4—Ability to understand and apply the unique ethical dimensions of spiritual leadership in the church

CH5—Ability to apply Christian ethics to the issues of integrity, specifically as they relate to ministers and laity for authentic Christian faithfulness and public witness

CH12—Ability to practice faithful stewardship of personal relations including gender relationships, marriage and family, personal finance, and professional conduct

CX1—Ability to discover sociological dynamics and trends and to apply that information to specific ministry settings

CX8—Ability to place the ministry context in light of the large schemes of world and national history