đź“ś Course Description

This module introduces to the student the important task of Shepherding God’s People in the context of the local church. Caring for people is a central part of the role for those who enter the ranks of ordained ministry. Jesus’ words to Peter, “Take care of my sheep” **(Jn 21:16), **apply to all who are called to shepherd or pastor.

This module will help the student understand and practice the principles of Christian “care of souls” in a manner that is comprehensively faithful to the biblical faith and human existence. This “care of souls” is not the exclusive responsibility of the ordained clergy but includes the laity in the ministry of the whole church. This curriculum is intended to help the student apply caring principles to the context of any local church. Pastoral care and counseling need to fit with the other pastoral responsibilities of preaching, teaching, leading, equipping, administrating, and many other tasks. This module introduces the student to the many broad topics commonly associated with the title of pastoral care and counseling. Because of the time constraints of the course, the student is encouraged to begin a lifelong journey of discovery and learning to hone the skills needed to be an effective pastor.

đź“ś Course Outcomes

This module contributes to the development of the following abilities as defined in the U.S. Sourcebook for Ministerial Development.

Program Outcomes

CN20—Ability to reflect theologically on life and ministry

CP 5—Ability to provide oversight of one’s ministry using management skills including servant leadership, conflict resolution and administration

CP 8—Ability to develop team-building skills, identify and cultivate spiritual gifts, recruit volunteers, diagnose and intervene in problems

CP 12—Ability to appropriately express pastoral care and concern for individuals and families in crises, passages, and the normal routines of life

CP 13—Ability to offer spiritual counseling and to discern for referral counseling needs beyond the minister’s ability

CP 14—Ability to apply the knowledge of basic helping skills gained from historic Christian and appropriate contemporary models

CP 17—Ability to lead the church in discipling and assimilating new converts into the church

CH 1—Ability to apply basic understanding of ethical theories to teach and nurture ethical behavior in the Christian community

CH 5—Ability to apply Christian ethics to the issues of integrity, specifically as they relate to ministers and laity for authentic Christian faithfulness and public witness

CH 12—Ability to practice faithful stewardship of personal relations including gender relationships, marriage and family, personal finance, and professional conduct

CH 13—Ability to describe and cultivate healthy interpersonal relationships through personal communication skills, conflict resolution skills, nurturing relational strategies for marriage, family and congregational interaction

CH 14—Ability to maintain a healthy balance between family, church, and community commitments